Thursday, October 30, 2008

My evening..

I just got home and am beginning to plan out my evening.  Tomorrow is Halloween and I'm so excited!!  We are having a pot luck at school tomorrow.  I'll be making 7 layer mexican dip. Or 8 layer. Or 6.  Everytime I make it I come up with a different number of layers.  This time I will be staring with a layer of refried beans, then sour cream, taco seasoned hamburger meat, salsa, shredded cheese, then topped with chunks of tomato, sliced jalapeno peppers, and olives.   Yum!  I usually make a huge batch of it for 2 selfish reasons.  1st,  I love this stuff and never make it just for me and Jeff b/c we'll sit and eat it all.  2nd, after eating some of the leftovers, you can take the rest, wrap it up in a few flour tortillas, top with some enchilada sauce and shredded cheese, bake for a bit, and have some fabulous enchilada/burrito thingys.  :)  Yum yum!

In addition to the dip, I'll be bringing cookies.  I'm going to make a batch of homemade sugar cookies, also my favorite.  I'm going to change it up a bit this time though.  I usually make powdered sugar icing, but this time, I'm going to use the icing that I put on my carrot cake, a cream cheese icing.  It's really my favorite icing, so I'm going with that, dyed orange.  I can't wait!

Since I'm spending all evening cooking things I can't yet eat, Jeff's bringing home some greasy burgers and fried okra from Ron's!

Man I love food!

Happy Halloween everyone!

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