Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Did you vote!?!?

I had a very enlightening conversation today at work.  About a hour before school was out, a co-worker asked me if I was going to go vote.  It had been a long day, and I told her that Oklahoma was "going McCain" regardless of my vote, the lines would be long, I don't really care for either candidate, and I was tired.  That was when she respectfully let me know her opinion.  She reminded me of the troops that have fought in the past and continue to do so today for our right to vote.  She reminded me of those who would give their lives for the chance to live in a country where they could vote, and of those who risk their lives by going to vote in some countries.  As I left work, I began to think on what she had said.  And she was right.  I was acting like one of those unappreciative Americans that other countries love to hate.  So I voted.  And from now on, I will appreciate what it means to vote.  Happy voting!  Now let's just cross our fingers for no dangling chads. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My students are STILL asking me who I voted for..like somehow it is un American to keep it a secret. My answer? The president? confuses them everytime ;) ly