Monday, September 29, 2008

Simple things bring me joy. #2

Magic Erasers.  Oh. my. ga.  Have you used them?!  They are simply amazing.  First, they take crayon off a wall like no body's business.  If you have yet to see these things in action, please, go buy a pack.  They are a bit pricey ($5 for a 4 pack) but they are SOOO worth it!  Please, take my word for it.  Go buy some, clean your bathtub with it, and get back with me.  I promise you will be amazed.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Ok. It was near 90 today.  WHERE is fall?

Also on my mind, this evening I will be babysitting.  Melissa will be leaving Aislinn for the first time.  Melissa has been dreading this since she was born.  I think that she'll do good though.  She will be going to a concert with Jake.  I'm sure once she gets there, she will relax and enjoy herself...  OR she'll text every 15 minutes and come home early.  I'll let you know.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Simple things bring me joy.

Such as...

This stuff is GREAT!!!  I'm one of those people at the Olive Garden who never say "when" to the waiter grating the cheese.  But now, I can do it at home!!!  I found this at the store, sent Jeff to the Olive Garden to get some salad dressing, and have been eating salads ever since.  We've had spaghetti more than normal because it is SOOOO good!  Just wanted to share my find!  Go get some!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The weather

That's right. A post about weather. This morning, I raced out to my car, running a tad late, which is right on cue for a Monday morning, and was greeted by brisk, cool air!! I LOVED it! I have always been a summer person. It has always been my favorite season. However, I'm starting to lean more to fall. I just love these beautiful fall days with temperatures reaching the 60s and 70s and a blue sky full of sun. It's gets me all ready for the holidays. I'm ready to cook a batch of Halloween cookies, put a few pumpkins out, and decorate my house!

And, of course, the best part of fall....

Boomer Sooner!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Maybe Not

Nothing came of my last post.  Perhaps it was just the government wasting money on fuel.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

SOMETHING is going on here....

Attention to all my faithful blog readers, which at this point, based on comments posted, consist of Megan, Melissa, and mom, I have to tell you something.  And that something is... that SOMETHING is going on here!  I live near 61st and Memorial which just happens to put me in a direct line with all the planes going to the airport.  Since I left work today, at 330, there has been some unusual activity.  First, a GINORMOUS plane flew over.  Large enough that I ran outside to see what was going on.  It was so loud, I fully expected to see a plane landing next to my swingset.  It looked like this:I'm not sure if it said Air Force, as I could not clearly see the print on the side.  But it was huge like this.  I thought this was a little unusual, but went about my business.  UNTIL, I hear ANOTHER huge rumbling sound.  I ran outside to see THIS:

It looked all white, not black and white like this one, and again, not sure if it said Air Force.  But it was huge and loud and headed towards the airport.  Strange..... I thought.  Again, I went back inside to continue my very busy afternoon of watching the most adorable girl on Oprah.  I was just settling in, and guess what happened!!  Yes! More loud planes.  This time I go outside to see....

Fighter jets!!! (there were only two, not three as pictured)  Whaaa.....???  Ok, I begin to think at this point that SOMETHING is going on!  I again, resist my temptation to call the local news, and go about my business.  Then just a few moments ago, around 7:15 pm CDT, ANOTHER plane flew over!!  One of these kind:

WOA!  So I have decided, that yes, SOMETHING is in fact going on here.  

So, the point of this post, is that tomorrow when Obama and McCain do a surprise debate here in Tulsa, remember, you heard it first here on

Thank you and goodnight.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Maybe I'm not so old...

Jeff's gone for the evening and I'm tempted to have Spaghettios for dinner.  Maybe I'm not so old...

We're OLD!?

I can't believe it's already Monday again. I find myself saying this every week, probably just like most of the working world. Our weekend was busy but good. Friday evening we went just went out for a late dinner then came home. Very different from just a few short years ago in Norman. It really amazes me how fast we became "old." I mean, I REALLY thought that we wouldn't be one of those married couples who stayed home on a Friday or Saturday night to "relax." I knew it would eventually happend, but in just 2 short years!? Oh well. I guess I just need to accept that we're no longer young crazy kids. :)

Saturday was nice. I slept in, which now means waking up around 8 and forcing myself to snooze on and off until 9:30 or so (yet another sign I'm getting old). I got up and did a little light house cleaning and got ready for the game. Jeff had to go into the office for a bit, so I made a huge plate of beef nachos for him when he got home. I had resist eating them myself. What more could a person want, nachos, a cold drink, and OU Football. A perfect fall afternoon.

After the game, we headed out for a nice evening on the town. We started at HideAway Pizza, one of my favorite places! Yummm.. After eating, we went to watch my cousin's little league football game. Jeff asked me if I knew where we were going. I furrowed my brow and said, "of course! Well... maybe I do." I soon realized, that I was no longer in the 3A football world. Ya see, I am used to going to small town football games, where you just drive to the opposing teams' town, and look for the lights. Simple. Right? Well, not in Jenks. We head to Jenks, and soon I see stadium lights. "See!" I explained to jeff, "there's the lights. I told you we could just find it."

So we find a parking, make our way to the stadium, pay our way, and walk in. We wander around the stands looking for a familiar face. "Hrm. I don't see him." I said.

Jeff quickly replied with, "well... are you SURE we're at the right stadium?"

"Honey. It's little league. How many stadiums could there be?" I answered.

So I texted my cousin to see where he was sitting. He told me he was standing up near the top. We looked. No cousin of mine was standing near the top. Dang it. Jeff may be right on this one. I sure hate it when that happens. Turns out there is more that one football field. So we left and got directions and drove to another field, paid again, and finally found the right team on the right field. They ended up losing, 0-8, but it was worth it. It was a beautiful evening.

After the game, we headed to the Riverwalk. We wandered around, listening to the music and enjoying the beautiful atmosphere. After an hour or two, we were ready to call it a night. It was late, after all, almost 10:30. Wow. We ARE old.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Boomer Sooner!!!

Here is a picture of a house down the street from us.  Gotta love football season!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008