Monday, November 10, 2008


Another Monday has come and gone.  It was such a sleepy day.  Listening to the rain on the roof while most of the babies in my class were sleeping was almost too much.  It was difficult to stay awake!  After school, I joined my sister on a trip to the courthouse.  She was showing me around and it was not what I thought it would be.  She went to "file" something, and the room was like a Tag Agency from.. well.. you know.  It was a huge room with buzzing fluorescent lights and stamps and staplers and noise everywhere.  Very much sensory overload.  

Now I'm home and avoiding cooking dinner.  I'm thinking chicken enchiladas.  I really want them, but I don't want to cook them.  I would love to have my own chef.  By the way, I just heard on the news that the first family has a personal staff of 95.  95! That's just incredible.  I wonder how many of those 95 are just sitting around waiting for someone to notice that they don't really do anything.  

Anyways.  Tomorrow night is the Eagles concert.  Jeff and I will be going.  I'm not really sure what to expect.  The Eagles was my dad's favorite group.  Many of their songs bring back intense feelings, memories, emotions...  Three months ago when I purchased the tickets, it seemed like a great idea.  Now, as it approaches, I'm not really sure what to expect.  I think it will be a good thing though.  

Hope everyone had a happy Monday.  And if you didn't, oh well, Monday is over now anyways.


Jessalynn said...

Matt & I, along with my mom & dad are going as well. Maybe we'll see you there. I'm a little hesitant, too!


Anonymous said...

Marie and I went also wouldn't have if Jess and Matt hadn't found tickets for us. Even then I really didn't want the emotion I knew came with it. But I went and I sang and I cried and cried and....and it was everything he told me - beautiful.
Love ya kid,