Friday, May 22, 2009


When deciding on whether or not to get a new dog, my concerns were things like: Will she like us? Will she be sad to leave her first family? Will Maggie like her? Will Maggie be sad that she's no longer the only child? 

After having Lexie with us for a little over a week, I now realize that my concerns were a bit dramatic. What I should have been asking myself was: Will they EVER stop playing? Will they give me any attention and stop playing with each other? Will Maggie become more independent and not really care as much about coming inside to see me?

Turns out that Lexie was a great addition. They are really fun to watch and they look so much alike! Sometimes I call them by the wrong name. Maggie, however, has regressed. She is back to that wiggle-sideways-giddy-snorty-puppy-dance. She has almost totally forgotten how to sit. The girls have to sit before they get their treats, and Lexie ALWAYS sits first. Maggie has lost it. I'm so disappointed. I thought she would be a good role model for our new dog, but turns out she needs to take some lessons from her new sister.


I can't get them to sit still long enough to get a good pic.

This is the best we could do. (After throwing the 
ball a million times to get them to calm down)


melissa said...

you are such a good dog owner. this post is further evidence that i should never, ever have a dog.

mom said...

You have written the perfect dog description sentence: She is back to that wiggle
sideways giddy snort puppy dance.

OMG I am still laughing because I can see her doing every step of that dance!

I'm really proud that you improved both dogs' (Not to mention your own) lives so much.

It is a good good thing. LY

Meg said...

Mae wants to know if they can leap like gazelles too.