Tuesday, September 9, 2008

SOMETHING is going on here....

Attention to all my faithful blog readers, which at this point, based on comments posted, consist of Megan, Melissa, and mom, I have to tell you something.  And that something is... that SOMETHING is going on here!  I live near 61st and Memorial which just happens to put me in a direct line with all the planes going to the airport.  Since I left work today, at 330, there has been some unusual activity.  First, a GINORMOUS plane flew over.  Large enough that I ran outside to see what was going on.  It was so loud, I fully expected to see a plane landing next to my swingset.  It looked like this:I'm not sure if it said Air Force, as I could not clearly see the print on the side.  But it was huge like this.  I thought this was a little unusual, but went about my business.  UNTIL, I hear ANOTHER huge rumbling sound.  I ran outside to see THIS:

It looked all white, not black and white like this one, and again, not sure if it said Air Force.  But it was huge and loud and headed towards the airport.  Strange..... I thought.  Again, I went back inside to continue my very busy afternoon of watching the most adorable girl on Oprah.  I was just settling in, and guess what happened!!  Yes! More loud planes.  This time I go outside to see....

Fighter jets!!! (there were only two, not three as pictured)  Whaaa.....???  Ok, I begin to think at this point that SOMETHING is going on!  I again, resist my temptation to call the local news, and go about my business.  Then just a few moments ago, around 7:15 pm CDT, ANOTHER plane flew over!!  One of these kind:

WOA!  So I have decided, that yes, SOMETHING is in fact going on here.  

So, the point of this post, is that tomorrow when Obama and McCain do a surprise debate here in Tulsa, remember, you heard it first here on erinwblog.blogspot.com.

Thank you and goodnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um...just wondering - what is the rest of the story Paul Harvey? Good day!