Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hello everyone!  Monday was the last day of school at Margaret Hudson.  Because we are part of the State Pilot Program for Early Childhood, the childcare center will be open all summer.  I agreed to work through the summer, so I'm still there along with a few others.  It's a much slower pace than during the school year, which is nice.  We only have a few babies this week, but we should have more coming next week.  It's a really good thing we have been slow this week, because we have had a slight problem with our playground.  Ya see, our yard guy told us that they saw lots of SNAKES!!!  That's right. A snake infestation on the playground.  They told us they saw rattlesnakes and water moccasins.  Ohmyga! So all of us ladies sort of freaked.  

Anyways, being the brave women we are, we decided to check out the playground and see what we saw. We went outside and looked all around and didn't see a thing.  So we decided to take our 3 children out to play.  There were 3 adults and 3 kids, so we figured we'd be ok.  We would just each follow right behind our child and walk around for a few minutes.  We had been outside for about 5 minutes when I noticed a small hole near the sandbox.  Huh, must be a snake hole, I thought.  So I walked around the sandbox to see if there were any more.  I walked around the box without seeing anything.  I was nearing the first hole, when I saw a second.  I walked towards it and saw a snake poking his head out of the hole.  I screamed and we all raced back into the building with the kids.

So, we decided to NOT go back outside until the snake situation had been taken care of.  We began calling pest and animal control places in the phonebook.  One after another, they all told us, "sorry, we don't do snakes."  So after an afternoon of calling, we had not found a single person who could offer us any help.  The best anyone had to offer was to tell us to go buy some snake repellent stuff.  It's some sort of sand or something that you put in the snake holes and it's supposed to smell bad and get them to go away.  So that's what we're going to try.  I'll let you know how it turns out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...snakes on planes, now snakes by sandbox. Why don't they just go back to the country? What's up with all this snake travel anyway?

Your mature manner of handling the situation was inspiring. I am proud of you, as always.